It’s been a busy couple of weeks at East Wear Bay.
We are always very keen to share our passion for archaeology with a younger audience (and perhaps encourage some future archaeologists), so we were very pleased to be visited by a group of students from the Beech Grove School in Nonington, and a group of home-schooled children. The Canterbury Young Archaeologists Club also joined us for a few hours and quickly set about investigating a large Roman pit.
On Saturday our artist-in-residence, Bryan Hawkins, hosted drawing workshops where participants were encouraged to find inspiration in the site, the finds and the landscape.

The results of the excavation so far have been very exciting. We have evidence for Roman fields which may have formed part of the villa estate. In addition, earlier Iron Age occupation is represented by the discovery of a roundhouse.
The site is drawing to a close now. So, if you haven’t visited already, why not pop by on Saturday. We would love to share our discoveries with you.
