Rich Best
Rich holds a BA and an MA in Archaeology, and is currently pursuing a PhD focused on the reuse of Roman objects in Early Anglo-Saxon Kent. As a registered finds specialist, he can undertake comprehensive assessments of metalwork, worked bone, and non-pottery ceramics from all periods. He can provide analysis of Roman and Anglo-Saxon assemblages, offering detailed insight into these materials.
Rich also produces publication-quality photographs and can create ultra-high resolution composites for examining use-wear and textiles and showing these details in publications. When supplied with spatial data (e.g., GPS coordinates), he can conduct spatial analyses, including distribution and density studies, to support research and publications with deeper contextual understanding.
Canterbury Archaeological Trust
29 Simmonds Road
Kent, CT1 3RT
Membership of Professional Organisations:
Society for Medieval Archaeology: Member
Roman Finds Group: Member
Royal Institute of Archaeology: Member
Selected Publications:
Best, R., (Forthcoming) ‘Weighing the Past: Roman Coins as Weights in Anglo-Saxon England’.
Best, R., (Forthcoming) ‘The 5th Century in South-Eastern Britain’.
Best, R., (Forthcoming) ‘Composite Artefacts: Incorporating the Past into the Present’.
Grey Literature:
Best, R., (2024) ‘Frognal Lane, Teynham (FLT-EX-23) Registered Finds Assessment’, Chartway Partnership Group, Unpublished CAT client report.
Best, R., (2024) ‘Manston Road Ramsgate, (MRR-EX-23) Registered Finds’ Assessment, Chartway Group Ltd.
Best, R., (2024) ‘Canterbury Riverside Kingsmead (CRK-19) Registered Finds Assessment’, Bouygues UK Ltd.
Best, R., (2024) ‘Harrow Meadows, Eynsford (HME-EX-23) Registered Finds Assessment, RPS Group.
Best, R., (2023) ‘Halfway House Primary School, Sen, Isle of Sheppey (ISSEN-EX-23)’ Registered Finds Assessment, Reds10 UK Ltd.
Best, R., (2023) ‘His Majesties Prison Canterbury (HMP-EX-19) Registered Finds Assessment’, Hamilton Architects.
Best, R., (2023) ‘Mitchinson House, Kings School Canterbury (MYC-EX-20) Registered Finds Assessment’, The Kings School, Canterbury
Best, R., (2023) ‘Preston Fields Faversham, Registered Finds Assessment’, RPS Group
Best, R., (2023) ‘Chilmington Green, Ashford (CGA-EX-22) Registered Finds Assessment’, Bowmer and Kirkland Ltd.