CAT KIT loans collection

Touch the Past with a C·A·T handling kit of real archaeological finds!

Each CAT KIT is composed of:
Pottery sherds, animal bone and building materials of Roman, medieval and post-medieval date.
A booklet describing the finds, some teaching ideas for the classroom, links to our website and other useful information.
A Feely Bag
A pottery measuring chart
A CD of images (please contact if you do not have a CD drive and we can send these digitally)
All contained in a sturdy case

Loans charges
Canterbury Archaeological Trust is a charity and there is an administration charge to this service. The charge is £20 per loan, for one term or part of a term. If you have as many as three boxes at one time, you get a ‘3 for 2’ deal and pay total £40. This can be spread across year groups and throughout the academic year.
Payment can be done through cash, or a cheque payable to ‘Canterbury Archaeological Trust’ when you collect your loans. Receipts are available on request. We can invoice your school but this incurs an extra VAT charge.
We occasionally have requests for a weekend loans, for which the charge will be discussed during booking.
More resources
When you are using a CAT KIT, you should find these galleries useful:
Why history is a load of old rubbish how layers build up on an archaeological site
Pots and pans for complete examples of pots and how they were used
Boney bits for whole animals and how animal bone was used in the past
Building homes for reconstruction images of how the whole structure might have looked