Archives and Publications
View our publications
These reports are supplemented by:
On-line gazetteer
Canterbury Archaeological Trust produces a range of publications detailing the results of our work. Client reports prepared as part of the planning process form the bulk of this material – though generally unpublished in hard format, the findings are available as a resource via our on-line gazetteer.

How to purchase
Most of our publications are distributed by Oxbow Books, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW
Phone: 01865 241249
Personal callers are welcome at
92A Broad Street, Canterbury, CT1 2LU
Phone: 01227 462062
Other publications
Not all of the Trust’s work is published by us. The spectacular find of the Bronze Age boat at Dover, for instance, was published by English Heritage in 2004, and the Bronze Age Ringlemere cup by the British Museum. From time to time members of staff collaborate with others or contribute to specialist studies.
The Dover Bronze Age boat, dated to c 1550 BC, is one of the most important and spectacular wooden objects ever found in Europe
read more . . .
Over the past decades, the Trust's fieldwork and desk-based research has generated large documentary, digital, photographic and finds archives. These collections represent one of the most significant archaeological archives held in the county of Kent.
Access to this rich resource for researchers is by arrangement. If you would like to examine our archives, please contact us, giving details of your enquiry.