Enid Allison
Enid has been working in the field of Environmental Archaeology for over 35 years, initially at the Environmental Archaeology Unit, University of York, and subsequently at Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) where she is responsible for the day-to-day management of environmental sampling, sample processing and recording, and post-excavation co-ordination, assessment and analysis. She has a good working knowledge of a broad range of biological remains that are recovered from archaeological deposits. Specialist work focusses on the analysis of bird bone assemblages from CAT sites, and insect remains from Holocene sites in the British Isles and Scandinavia for other units and consultancy groups.
Canterbury Archaeological Trust
92A Broad Street
Kent, CT1 2LU
Membership of Professional Organisations:
Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA)
Association of Environmental Archaeology
Selected Publications:
Allison, E 2006 ‘Bird remains’, in K Parfitt, B Corke, and J Cotter, Townwall Street, Dover: Excavations 1996, The Archaeology of Canterbury New Series 3, Canterbury, 370-378
Allison, E 2015 ‘The bird remains’, in A Hicks, Destined to serve? Use of the outer grounds of St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury before, during and after the monks. Canterbury Christchurch University: excavations 1983-2007, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Occasional Paper 11, Canterbury, 321-332
Allison, E 2015 ‘The bird remains’, in A Hicks, Medieval town and Augustinian friary: settlement c.1325 – 1700, Canterbury Whitefriars Excavations 1999-2004, The Archaeology of Canterbury New Series Volume 7, 290-304
Allison, E 2017 ‘Insect remains’, in G Cavers and A Crone, A lake dwelling in its landscape; Iron Age settlement at Cults Loch, Castle Kennedy, Dumfries and Galloway, Oxford, Oxbow, passim in ‘Ecofact analysis’ 57-82; ‘Insect remains’ 87–91 and Appendix 2: 260–269
Allison, E 2018 ‘The bird remains’, in A Hicks and M Houliston, Within the walls: the developing town cAD750-1325, Canterbury Whitefriars Excavations 1999-2004, The Archaeology of Canterbury New Series Volume 8, 227-235
Allison, E 2019 ‘Insects’, in P Stevenson and K Krawiec, A view from the edge: Archaeological investigations on the Manhood Peninsula, Selsey for the Medmerry Managed Realignment Scheme, Spoilheap Monograph 20, 368-385
Allison, E & Kenward, H 2022 ‘Insect remains from excavations at Posthustorvet in Ribe’, Chapter 12 in S M Sindbæk (ed) Northern Emporium Volume 1, The Making of Viking-age Ribe, Højbjerg, Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, 389-416
Batchelor, C R, Branch, N P, Allison, E, Austin, P A, Bishop, B, Brown, A, Elias, S A, Green, C P and Young, D S 2014 ‘The timing and causes of the Neolithic elm decline: New evidence from the Lower Thames Valley (London, UK)’, Environmental Archaeology 19 (3), 263-290
Chittock, H, Masefield, R, Allison, E, Crone, A, Hamilton, D, Richer, S, Robertson, J and Wood, A (2021) Hot stone technology at Bucklers Park, Crowthorne, Berkshire: The use and re-use of a persistent place during the Bronze and Iron Ages, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 87, 231-260 [published online 21 July 2021] https://www.doi.org/10.1017/ppr.2021.8
Hogue, J T, Wilkinson, K N, Allison, E, Hill, T, Knul, M V, Law, M, Perez-Fernandez, Russ, H, Schreve, D, Sheriff, J E, Toms, P, Young, D, Westcott-Wilkins, L & Wilkins B 2023 Pleistocene environments, climate, and human activity in Britain during Marine Isotope Stage 7: insights from Oak Tree Fields, Cerney Wick, Gloucestershire, Journal of Quaternary Science, published online 7 March 2023 https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3512
Keeley, H, Allison, E, Branch, N, Cameron, N, Dobinson, S, Ellis, I, Ellison, P, Fairbairn, A, Green, C, Hunter, R, Lee, J, Locker, A, Lowe, J, Palmer, A, Robinson, E, Stewart, J and Wilkinson, K 2004 ‘The environmental evidence’, in P Clark (ed) The Dover Bronze Age Boat. London: English Heritage, 229 – 249
Kenward, H, Hall, A, Allison, E and Carrott, J 2011 ‘Environment, activity and living conditions at Deer Park Farms: evidence from plant and invertebrate remains’, Chapter 28 in C J Lynn and J A McDowell, The excavation of a raised rath in the Glenarm Valley, Co. Antrim. Northern Ireland Archaeological Monographs 9, Antrim: Stationery Office/Environmental Heritage Service [insects and ectoparasites]
Smith, D, Hill, G, Kenward, H and Allison, E 2020 Development of synanthropic beetle faunas over the last 9000 years in the British Isles, Journal of Archaeological Science 115 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2020.105075
Taylor, B and Allison, E 2018 ‘Palaeoenvironmental investigations’, Chapter 19 in Star Carr Volume 2: Studies in technology, subsistence and environment, York, White Rose University Press 123-149 [insects] https://doi.org/b.22599/book2.e